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Photo Credit: Disney Parks

-Rest Area

"Head to the center of CenTOONial Park to find Toontown’s fabulous fountain. At its base, water tables invite you to splash around and enjoy a spectacular sensory experience. And as day turns to night, watch as the fountain springs to life in a unique spectacle.

Nearby, you’ll discover a wondrous dreaming tree inspired by the tree a young Walt Disney would daydream under in his hometown of Marceline, Missouri. Sculpted tree roots provide an opportunity for children to play, crawl and explore—and gently rolling hills offer a place to sit and dream.

Take a walk in the park and let your imagination run free!"

Magic Facts


I have not had the chance to experience this attraction yet, but I have heard that it is reallt hard to actually find a spot to rest due to the stroller parking that takes up a lot of this space.

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