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Photo Credit: Disney Parks

-42" or taller

-Water Ride

-Thrill Ride

"The majestic grizzly bear is the symbol of California—land of towering peaks, giant trees and thundering waterfalls.

As you make your way towards the debarkation point, look for the distinctive bear profile at the top of the mountain. According to early folklore, Grizzly Peak was once a giant bear named Oo-soo'-ma-te, whom A-ha-le the Coyote transformed into stone to watch over and protect the mountain.

Bob and spin through the raging current. Careen through a craggy mountain cavern. Plummet down a perilous bedrock slope. Ease your way back to base camp, but not before navigating waters overrun with gushing geysers."

Magic Facts


You WILL get wet. While I never do this ride, my sister and cousins love it. There is a fun, relaxing spot past the entrance area to sit and watch the crazy people in your party get soaked as you stay nice and dry on land.

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