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Photo Credit: Disney Parks

-Dark ride

-Any height

"The disembodied voice of the Ghost Host is your private guide through the cadaverous realm of an eerie haunted estate, home to ghosts, ghouls and supernatural surprises."

Magic Facts

-- The singing heads in the Haunted Mansion are called The Phantom Five. Their names are Rolo Rumkin, Uncle Theodore, Cousin Algernon, Ned Nub, and Phineas Pock.
-- The names of the hitchhiking in Haunted Mansions ghosts are Phineas, Ezra, and Gus.
-- The Hearse out front of the Haunted Mansion was once featured in a John Wayne film: The Sons of Katie Elder.
-- As you're walking through the Haunted Mansion queue, you will reach the part where the standby line and fast pass line merge. Look down and hidden in the concrete you will see the bride's ring from the ride.
-- If you pause at the graveyard in the Haunted Mansion queue, watch Madame Leota's tombstone. Every so often, her eyes will quickly open and look around.
-- If you look in the upper window of the Mansion you may see someone walking across it.


This ride is a classic! I always enjoy it but the line can be brutal and in the sun.

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