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Photo Credit: Disney Parks

-46" or taller

-Thrill ride

-Play Disney Parks App

"Follow Indy’s footsteps into the crumbling Temple of the Forbidden Eye past intricate booby traps. Inspect carvings and frescos that tell the story of Mara, a powerful deity who promises great treasures—and vengeance to those foolish enough to gaze into its all-seeing eyes.

Board a rugged troop transport and enter the Chamber of Destiny. Confront inconceivable dangers, like precarious precipices over molten lava, screaming mummies, swarms of giant insects, spear-throwing wraiths, collapsing bridges, slithering snakes—and a massive rolling boulder.

If you find yourself in jeopardy, only one man is brave enough—or crazy enough—to save you... Dr. Jones!"

Magic Facts

--Near the sign for Indiana Jones Adventure, hidden at the base of a tree, is the house of the Disneyland leprechaun. It is based on one of the Disneyland Golden Books: The Little Man of Disneyland.
--The beloved palm tree of the Domingez family, who originally owned the land where Adventureland is, still stands. It is near the Indiana Jones Fastpass entrance.
--Inside Indiana Jones, in the viewing room, there is an Eyore parking sign behind the projector to honor the parking lot that the ride took over. Typically, you have to ask a cast member in order to view it.
--In the Indiana Jones queue, you can catch a glimpse of Indy's office after the viewing room. On the desk. there is a copy of the first time Mickey appeared on the cover of LIFE magazine (LIFE company actually wants this copy, as it is one of the only issues they don’t have on file.)
--Outside Indy's office are a bunch of crates that have nods to different things. One says "Deliver to club Obi-Wan."
--At the Indiana Jones exit, the mine cart was actually used in the Temple of Doom movie. The truck was used in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
--The trash cans in this area that are designed to match the ride are the most expensive in all of Disneyland due to the texture on the outside.


This ride is one of my all time favorites. The smell, the song, the dark atmosphere, everything about it is perfection. And the ride vehicles are designed to change your ride EVERY time you ride (even if it's just a little difference). Definitely a must do.

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