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Photo Credit: Disney Parks

-32" or taller


"Mater’s rounded up a herd of lively tractors for some old-fashioned square dancing out in his junkyard—and you’re invited to join the party.

Haul yourself into a tractor-trailer and hold on tight as it whips and whirls in “figure eight” moves around the dancefloor. Mater croons the tunes that keep this shindig swingin’ til you’re all tire-d out.

You’re guaranteed to have a wheel fun time!"

Magic Facts

-- Mater’s Tokyo sign in Mater's Junkyard Jamboree translates to “Drift King.”


This ride is cute and a must do if you have little ones. The line is usually short, so if it's longer than 45 minutes I would try again later. You can also get a different song each time you ride!

The queue for this ride is super detailed and fun. It has props from the Cars short films "Mator's Tall Tales."

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