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Photo Credit: Disney Parks

-38" or taller

-Dark ride

-Play Disney Parks App

"Ride in the famous cockpit of the Millennium Falcon on a daring flight—and whether you’re a pilot, engineer or gunner, every role is crucial.

The engines rumble as the Millennium Falcon blasts off, pushing you and your crew back into your seats when you jump into hyperspace towards adventure. Along the way you’ll face danger at every turn.

Will your mission succeed or fail? It’s up to you—find out if you have what it takes to outmaneuver the odds aboard the Millennium Falcon.

Get ready to punch it!"

Magic Facts

-- On Smuggler's Run, there is a secret "Chewie Mode." Normally, Hondo gives you all your directions, but with Chewie Mode, Chewbaca will give you all the instructions. To activate it, do not activate your positions right away. Pilots: push your controllers to the far up or down and the far left or right. Hold it there while hitting activate. Engineers and gunners: Hit one of the white buttons above your activation button, hold it while pressing activate. Note: If this is your first time riding, Chewie mode will give you no instructions, directions, or help. You also must have all 6 positions filled.


This ride is not that great to me. I typically skip this one. If you are not the pilot, you will miss most of the ride as you will be busy pushing buttons. If you are the pilot, it is not an easy or relaxing job to have.

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