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Welcome Week

Your program has started! Check out what I did for my first week.

Welcome week is the time in between your arrival date and your traditions. During this time. You don't have your blue ID nor your front gate pass, so you have to get creative. I'll share my week and give you some ideas of things to do!


My welcome week was unique because it started on a Wednesday. This is due to my check in being on a Tuesday because that Monday was a holiday. This first day, my dad was still in Florida and we met for breakfast. We picked up some more housing supplies I needed then we walked Disney Springs together. I took pictures of all the things I would buy once I had my blue ID to get my discount.

After he left, I attended the Flamingo Crossing tour. I highly reccomend this activity your welcome week! It was my favorite event to attend and where I met a lot of my first friends on the DCP.

Since the theme of my welcome week was "Hoedown Throwdown" from Hannah Montana, they had a country minnie ears making event. On dorms, it said it was full but I went anyway and they were able to squeeze me in! I ended up going with the girls I met from the tour.

TIP: go on your DORMS account early and sign up for all the Welcome Week events you can. There is no penalty for signing up and not going.

I ended my first day by going to the Boardwalk and having pizza on the waterfront!


I chose to catch up on some sleep this day! After resting, I took the bus to Art of Animation to explore and ride the Skyliner! I did this by myself, which was hard at first but you quickly learn lots of other people are too! I made friends on the bus and had so much fun doing what I wanted to do! My main goal from this trip was to pin trade at each resort.

TIP: If you plan to pin trade on your DCP, check out eBay first. There are tons of offers of random "handfuls" of pins that you can trade.

That night I went to the Hoedown Throwdown Welcome Event. This involved free pizza, a photo booth, a character meet and greet, as well as dancing and games with prizes! We had a lot of fun and I highly suggest going to yours.


I attended 2 events on zoom that were informative, but I could've skipped them. I just had them playing while I finished decorating my room! Here is how it turned out.

After the zoom meetings, I went pin trading at the Poly and Grand Floridian then we got picked up to go Mini-Golfing! We visited Fantasia Gardens and the cast members there let us in at a discount because we were "future magic makers" even though we didn't have our blue IDs yet. What a magic moment!

Mini golfing was so fun and HIGHLY reccomend trying it during your welcome week.

We finished out this day by going back to the Poly and eating Dole Whip while watching Enchantment fireworks on the beach!


It was finally the day. TRADITIONS! My traditions started at 8:20. It was a long day but there were some really magical suprises and finally putting on that nametag was a dream!

Ater traditions, we finally had our blue IDs. This meant we could finally got our discounts. We first visited Cast Connetction (the cast-members-only store) but it was cleaned out by everyone else doing the same thing. So we ended the night by visiting World of Disney and spending more money than we should have! We had a blast celebrating the start of our time with the company.



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