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Check-In Day

You made it! Here's what happens next.

I am going to share my experience of check in day and everything leading up to it!

DCP check in day will have two things you MUST DO on this day. Item one is checking in! Item two is what they call onboarding. Details for these will be emaild to you on your "itinerary." I recieved my times and schedule for these, along with my role and location, 11 days prior, to my arrival date. My date was 01/18 and I revieved my "itinerary" on 01/07. This also provided me with my date and time for traditions.

Leading up to my arrival date, my dad flew down with me and we took a week to visit the Disney parks as well as universal. I used this trip to get excited and get familiar with the parks and my location.

TIP: Whether or not you take a vaction beforehand, MAKE SURE that you flying/drive in the night BEFORE your arrival date. You never know how early your check in will be.

TIP FOR THE TIP ABOVE: Select hotels surrounding Flamingo Crossing will give discounts to future CPs and/or their families. Be sure to ask!

MY check in day began at 10:45. They ask that you do not be there any earlier. I did end up being a few minutes late and they still accepted that! Here, I had to give my ID and read of my number from my itinerary. I then picked up my key and went to find my room!

TO KNOW: If someone is helping you move in, they were allowed to come to check in with you. Check in was at the lawn (a big open grassy area). There were plenty of signs to make it easy to find!

After I checked in, we grabbed my suitcases from the car and I started moving things in. At this time, my dad chose to visit Disney Springs on his own so I could unpack and go to my onboarding at 12:30.

TO KNOW: Guests helping unpack CANNOT go to onboarding. This is for CPs only.

YOU WILL NEED: 2 forms of ID or your passport. Your itinerary

At onboarding, you will go through a few rooms where they will do background checks, take your ID photo, and set up your W2.

After my onboarding, I got lunch. I finished unpacking and as I unpacked I made a list of things I was going to need from the store. Refer to my packing list for more details! From there, we went to Target, Super Target, Dollar Tree, and Ross. Everything was VERY very empty.

At this point, I dropped off my stuff and picked up the clothes I needed to iron. My dad and I grabbed dinner and went back to the hotel to eat and iron my clothes. He dropped me back off after and I spent my first night at Flamingo Crossing!!



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